Why do we do it?
For many years, the planet’s biodiversity has been eroding in an alarming way because of multiple factors. In terms of genetic resources, the loss of useful plants for food and agriculture endangers the planet’s food security. Due to this, the strategies of conservation and sustainable use are essential not only to mitigate this loss but also to ensure that food will be available for an increasing population.
Among these conservation initiatives is the creation of germplasm recalcitrant seed banks, orthodox seed germplasm banks, microorganism banks, herbariums and other types of banks that seek to conserve the greatest possible variety of species and to guarantee their preservation.
Therefore, those who do conservation work must have specialized software for the documentation of those extremely important biological resources. However, many of the actual germplasm banks lack an adequate documentation system, and they still use software whose applications are not designed to handle information that requires a different use; consequently, they are impractical and show great limitations for the handling and administration of information of a scientific nature.
On the other hand, there is specialized software that due to its complexity demands equally specialized computer and human resources. This situation leads users to ultimately decide to dismiss it and continue with the rudimentary methods.
In these circumstances, we have seen a chance to contribute to the different germplasm banks satisfying the need to provide an easy-to-use, specialized software that meets the curator’s and other users’ expectations in terms of safety, regulations, updating and information management.
The GERMPLASM-DS system is the best option available. Because of its functionality and easy handling, it quickly allows for the correct and safe organization of all passport, collection, and inventory information for the different collections of any bank.
This software can be installed locally on a desktop or laptop computer but is even better suited for a server to take advantage of the facilities that the Internet allows.
We offer the GERMPLASM-DS system for you to appreciate its functionality in your banks.